True Fictions From An Unreal City

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True Fictions from an Unreal City
Vistas, structures and materiality of the liminal space
The work focuses on the symbols of declining industries, radical transformations of urban development and infrastructural systems that are fundamental to serving a city.
The liminal zones of East London are constantly changing and being reappropriated, here we see distinctly how contemporary geopolitics and economic factors shape the environment. From retail parks to chemical factories, the landscape is shaped for human consumption. Boundaries and borders dominate, security guards and CCTV cameras are on constant surveillance.
Capturing these diametrically opposed landscapes though imagery of vistas, structures and materiality I investigate the nature of the ‘periphery’. It is a world that exists on the outskirts and fringes of what we associate as place, where alienation and control rule. Choosing the mundane, I focus on the dichotomy between realism and fiction within the images which allows me to explore the contradicting narratives of these spaces in permanent flux. This project attempts to place the viewer in ambiguous relation to the subject, deliberately using unspecific locations to conjure unsettling anxieties. Hinting towards a dystopian future and showing our fragile contemporary condition.