Somewhere In England

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Tootal’s ongoing topographic project Somewhere in England began in 2010 and is an exploration of undisclosed, anonymous landscapes in the UK. Shooting mainly at dawn or twilight, these public places devoid of people appear otherworldly. Within the images she attempts to present a subtle, cultural critique or story, highlighting the idiosyncrasies of public space and illuminating the non-descript landscape in these large-scale works.
In a process influenced by the New Topographic photographers of the 1970’s, she uses medium and large format cameras allowing for large highly detailed images that emphasise architectural structures and the lay of the land.
Tootal explores unknown regions of the UK where she allows for the possibility of instinctual responses to the landscape she encounters. This patience and respect for locating the potential in the existing space results in imagery containing an uncanny stillness.
Essay by Matthew Parker in INFO.